Obtain ip address, internet connection.

 Obtain ip address, internet  PS4 Código de erro CE-33992-6 — Ajuda e assistência | PlayStation

Si los servicios de PSN se muestran en verde y aún recibes este código de error, es posible que el problema de conectividad esté relacionado con la red doméstica. Belo Horizonte - MG. CE-33992-6 About About SIE; Careers; PlayStation Studios; Corporate; Products. Etapas: 1-Configurações; 2-Gerenciamento de conta- 3-Iniciar sessão, 4-redefinir senha por e-mail; 5. Select a country or region to check the network status. Set. Hardware e reparações. Servers reaching that 5-year mark have an estimated increase of 200% service cost. Status CE-33987-0 Zeitlimit überschritten Internetverbindung prüfen, LAN benutzen CE-33988-1/ CE-33989-2/ CE-33990-4 Internetverbindungsfehler Überprüfe deine Internetvervindung und den PSN Status CE-33991-5 HTTP_GET_200 Fehler Verbindungstest der PS4 wiederholen CE-33992-6check whether the server is under maintenance or not by accessing PlayStation site in the status page as recommended by PlayStation itself. - CE-33992-6 : Problème avec votre connexion Internet. CE-33992-6. . Fehler beim Testen der Internetverbindung. jeśli to się nie powiedzie, psn może być w trakcie konserwacji. ps4更新4. Fora do ar. To check your network settings, go to the Playstation 4 home screen, select Settings, then Network, then View Connection Status. . com. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. In case this solution doesn’t work for you, we highly recommend checking the Destiny 2 server status to see if all the servers are operational. Acesse a página de status em um dispositivo conectado para verificar o status dos serviços da PlayStation™Network. PS4 Código de erro CE-33992-6 — Ajuda e assistência | PlayStation. CE-35406-8 PlayStation®Vita未关联到PlayStation®4主机执行远程游玩,因为系统中的账号不同。 CE-33991-5 无法连接至网络 . CE-33992-6. PlayStation Networkへの接続、PSNステータスページの確認方法、無線または有線インターネット接続のトラブルシューティングなどをご紹介します。. CE-33992-6. This is an official /r/PS4 wiki maintained by members of the community. ป้อนวันเกิดของ. NW-31295-0 Cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network. MM JJ AAAA. ce-33992-6. Não foi possível carregar o. ce-33992-6. Überprüfe den Status der PlayStation™Network-Services, indem du die Statusseite über ein verbundenes Gerät aufrufst. what caused that? thanks. SU-30733-6. Are you stuck with error CE 33992 6 when you're trying to connect your PlayStation 4 to the internet? This might just do the trick. Delete and Re-add Registered Network 6. PlayStation 네트워크에 연결하는 동안. PSN Service Status. . SU-41333-4 There was an issue when updating your ‎PlayStation®4 console system software. Comment résoudre CE-33992-6. PlayStation™Network. Si la línea Inicio de sesión de PlayStation Network dice Falló durante la prueba, puede esperar varias horas hasta que la PSN vuelva a funcionar. roPSN无法登陆,错误. However, if you find that the server is up, you are able to sign in to PSN and then go to Test your connection. PS4 错误代码 CE-35406-8 PlayStation®Vita未关联到PlayStation®4主机执行远程游玩,因为系统. The solutions to the PS4 error codes are different depending on which error you are trying to troubleshoot. ¿Tienes problemas con la conexión de tu consola? Nuestra herramienta Reparaciones de PlayStation te ayudará a resolver problemas y a mejorar tu experiencia online. The best and quickest way to see if Destiny 2 is down is to visit the official Destiny 2 Status page. Erro no teste de conexão à Internet. CE-33992-6. CE-41902-6 El dispositivo de almacenamiento USB conectado no es compatible con tu consola PlayStation®4. CE-33991-5. Link zur L'sung PS4 – Fehlercode CE-33992-6 (Image: SONY) Thousands of PSN users are reporting issues with the service below and are not able to log in to PlayStation Network. MM DD AAAA. Trin 3: hvis fejlen fortsætter, skal du prøve igen senere eller kontrollere status for PSN. CE-33992-6. Having issues with your console's connection? Our PlayStation Repairs tool will help you troubleshoot and improve your online experience. ゲームの起動に失敗した場合に表示されるエラーです。PS4本体の再起動や、次のPlayStationサポート公式Twiterアカウントから案内されている「データベースの再構築(rebuild the database)」の実施を検討してみてください。エラーコード(ce-33992-6)ルーターの再起動、ps4の再起動とかは全部しました。けどサインインできません。これってルーターに問題があるのでしょうか。それともps4に問題があるのでしょうか。ご意見お願いいたします。ほんと困ってます。Åtgärda CE-33992-6. (Http status code 502) CE-40867-5. 디스크를 읽을 수 없습니다. 0. NW-31295-0 Impossibile connettersi a una rete Wi-Fi. SU-30645-8. Als PSN-services groen worden weergegeven en je deze foutcode nog steeds ontvangt, kan het verbindingsprobleem te maken hebben met je thuisnetwerk. com überprüfen. The two errors I get are CE-33992-6 "sign in for psn fails during internet connection test" NW-31294-9 "can't connect to internet" 04-27-2018, 04:08 AM #2 I caved and wrote in to PlayStation support and ended my question with "I've already read your website FAQ and couldn't find something that helped there". Passer au contenu principal. CE-33992-6. CE-33992-6 About About SIE; Careers; PlayStation Studios; Corporate; Products PS5; PS4; PS VR2; PS Plus; Accessories; Games; Values Environment; Accessibility; Online. CE-33992-6 About About SIE; Careers; PlayStation Studios; PlayStation Productions; Corporate; Products PS5. Saisissez votre date de naissance. A continuación, se presentan algunas soluciones que puedes intentar para solucionar el problema CE 33992 6: Verifica tu conexión a internet: Asegúrate de que tu consola esté correctamente conectada a internet y que la señal sea estable. Glad it works! I hate to say to up vote my own post, but please do so others can see this post :-)Hello guys in this video I'm showing you, How to fix error code CE-33992-6 on ps4 at 2021 (Fix Playstation Network Sign in Failed). 如果PSN™服务显示为绿色,而您仍收到此错误代码,则表示连接问题可能与您的家庭网络有关。建议将下载速度下限设为5mbps。如果速度低于5mbps,请尝试连接至下载速度达5mbps或以上的其他连接。 如果仍有问题,请访问PlayStation维修工具获取更多故障排除建议。 Reinicie su módem y/o enrutador. Troubleshooting PlayStation Network connectivity If you’re experiencing. Vediamo in questo video come risolvere l'errore CE-33992-6 su PS4 che da giorni sta creando non pochi fastidi agli utenti Sony. Please check the status of PSN services by visiting the status page on a connected device. Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy The Definitive Edition Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch (OLED Model), Nintendo Switch Lite HACPAYVXA - Best Buy. . If this doesn’t help, you’ll have to contact Playstation directly to resolve the issue. CE-30392-7, CE-30608-7: errore hardware CE-33992-6: errore di test della connessione Internet. O que fazer: Conecte o PS4 na internet. CE-35451-8 Ocorreu um erro ao ligar ao servidor. Go to the PlayStation Store and select the “Restore Licenses” option and check if this helps to resolve the issue. 738K subscribers in the playstation community. To do this, go to (Settings)> (Network)> (Internet Connection Test) to confirm that you can connect to the network. WS-37338-4 There was an issue. Will be logged out of the. com GameSpot has confirmed that attempting to access an already active PS Plus subscription on a PS5 console can result in this error code. MM DD AAAA. Elevate Your Trivia Night with These Fun and Challenging QuestionsPesquise o código de erro ou procure os códigos de erro mais comuns do PS4 abaixo. Si tu velocidad es más lenta que esto, prueba conectarte a una conexión alternativa con una velocidad de descarga de 5. ps4更新4. Press J to jump to the feed. Psn code ce-33992-6. If the connection is successful, move on to the next step. 我們建議的最低下載速度為5mbps。. Sprawdź stan usług PSN, odwiedzając stronę stanu na podłączonym urządzeniu. Kontrollera status för PlayStation™Network-tjänster genom att gå till statussidan på en ansluten enhet. Once the PlayStation logo appears, release the button. Gaming and social. Tell me how to fix PS4 Error CE-33992-6. Obtain ip address, internet connection. PSN Status; PlayStation. CE-33992-6: PSN sing-in failed at [Test Internet connection] Make sure you are signed in to PSN before you start the connection test. You can check the status of the PSN here. 168. CE-33992-6. PSN - JIM12306 pawn - Jane #2 (message deleted)Find information and support for PlayStation error codes for PS4 and PS5. NW-31194-8. Please check the status of PSN services by visiting the status page on a connected device. CE-33992-6 Errore di verifica della connessione Internet. Si ha visitado el estado del servidor de PSN y ve que todo funciona correctamente, entonces no hay duda de que el problema de la red proviene de su parte. NW-31253-4, NW-31205-1, NW-31254-5. If you’ve visited PSN’s server status and see that everything is in working order, then there’s little doubt the network issue is. راه حل: ابتدا در تنظیمات، وارد منوی PSN شوید و گزینه Sign in to PSN را انتخاب کنید. Cambia a una conexión por cable. 如何修正CE-33992-6. Browse game. CE-34878-0 Ocorreu um erro com o aplicativo. Brady Klinger-Meyers. 久しぶりにPS4を開いてpsnにサインインしようと思ったのですが、サインインをすると押したらすぐにエラーが起きました。と出てきました。コードは別で調べたらCE-33992-6とでてきました。 再構築も再起動も自分で調べたら範囲内の事は全て行いました。こうなったのは初めてな事でよくわから. Pesquisa o teu código de erro ou procura os códigos de erro da PS4™ mais comuns abaixo. You need to be a member in order to leave a commentCE-30392-7, CE-30608-7: hardwarefout CE-33992-6: Testfout internetverbinding. When you can't connect and you click on more details it tells you which ones they are. . Comprueba el estado. SupportPlease subscribe to my second channel where I discuss the evidence for Christianity! LogicalFaith: compiled all the e. You can check the status of the PSN here. 請瀏覽連線裝置的「 狀態頁面 」,查看PSN服務的狀態。. CE-34878-0 Beim Ausführen der Anwendung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. So behebst du CE-33992-6 Fehler beim Testen der Internetverbindung. Enter your date of birth. NW-31295-0 Cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network. SU-41333-4 There was an issue when updating your ‎PlayStation®4 console system software. أدخل تاريخ. com . CE-35239-2 ネット. Gaming and social. CE-35451-8 Podczas próby połączenia z serwerem wystąpił błąd. CE-33984-7 O teste de ligação excedeu o limite de tempo ao tentar obter o teu endereço IP. В этом случае остается только подождать. Tire del cable de alimentación, espere 60 segundos y vuelva a enchufarlo. den PSN Server Status: CE-34224-5: interner Systemfehler: Erstelle ein Backup über PS+ oder einem. PlayStation™Network. CE-33676-5 The item is corrupted, or cannot be detected by the system. Was this article helpful?accessing PlayStation site in the status page as recommended by PlayStation itself. Статус серверов можно увидеть здесь -. NW-31205-1 La connessione di rete è instabile o troppo debole per raggiungere il server PlayStation™Network. 1) and the password. Voltar para playstation. NW-35959-1. MM DD YYYY. إذا تم عرض خدمات psn باللون الأخضر وكنت لا تزال تتلقى رمز الخطأ هذا، فقد تكون مشكلة الاتصال متعلقة بشبكتك المنزلية. 【已解決】忽然連不上psn,錯誤代碼ce-33992-6 ,a9vg电玩部落论坛인터넷 연결을 테스트하는 동안 psn 로그인 실패가 표시되면 문제는 psn 유지 관리와 관련이 있을 수 있습니다. Everything seems normal. org. Notre outil Réparations PlayStation vous aidera à résoudre votre problème et à améliorer votre. 1. Estado del servicio de PSN. Beranda Playstation Network Sign In Failed Ce-33992-6 : If psn services are showing as green . Check and access the link below. ps4でpsnにサインインしたいのですがなんどやってもできません。. Users can access the Network Service Status website to directly see which services are having issues. CE-32894-6 La conexión al servidor se ha interrumpido. Please enter a valid date Confirm age. 2,不行就. Since error code CE-33992-6 is nothing more than a general network issue on PlayStation. CE-33992-6 Make sure you are signed in to PSN before you start the connection test. PlayStation Store. Nada. It's also possible that the PSN may be be. CE-33992-6. PSN无法登陆,错误ce-33992-6前些天在游戏中,突然间就不能登陆PSN,之前一直好好的换过路由器改过DNS mut 试过用移动4G网路PS4也回复过原厂设置都不行请大神们帮忙下,万分感谢(国行Если появляется значок «Не удалось войти в psn» или код ce-33992-6, это значит, что сервера «Сони» находятся на техническом обслуживании. CE-33992-6. Your community-run home for all things PlayStation on Reddit! Console/game discussions, news, support…CE-33986-9の解決方法. The Xbox 360 makes certain things that PlayStation 3 can not vice versa. WS-37338-4 There was an issue. Once the PlayStation logo appears, release the button. PS4 Fejlkode NW-31295-0 Kan ikke oprette forbindelse til et Wi-Fi-netværk. TechHQ 13. Give. Todos los servicios están funcionando. SU-30696-4. Du bist leider nicht zum Ansehen dieser Inhalte berechtigt. PS4 错误代码 CE-32894-6 与服务器的连接已丢失。网络连接可能出现问题,或是 PlayStation™Network 或服务提供商的服务器暂时繁忙。. سپس در منوی Network ، گزینه Test Internet Connection را انتخاب کنید. PlayStation Store; PlayStation Video; PlayStation Music. Si votre. Inicio. WS-44369-6 PlayStation™Network potrebbe essere in fase di manutenzione. When your PlayStation 5 console throws up the Error Code CE-117773-6, it's essentially telling you that it's struggling to connect to Sony's servers. So if you want to know ho. CE-33992-6 인터넷 연결 테스트 중에 PSN에 로그인하지 못했습니다. 下記の期間において、一部のお客様において”PlayStation 4″のオフラインステータスの変更、パーティーの作成・参加、ゲームの起動を行えない障害が発生していましたが、現在は復旧し. Your hub for everything related to PS4 including games…Status do serviço da PSN. Visita Reparaciones de PlayStation. SU-30696-4. 最近一周多家里的PS4一只连不上PlayStation Network,导致所有数字版的游戏都没法玩,非常烦人。我的PS4是国行版刷了香港的ROM,所以连接的是香港的PSN,最开始以为网络有问题,我改过DNS,连过手机热点,连过VPN,但是仍然不行。错误代码一直报CE-41489-6。All the information related to status playstation com ce 33992 6 has been given in this article. Visita Reparaciones de PlayStation. If PSN™ services are showing as green and you still receive this error. status playstation com ce 33992 6. Erreur de test de connexion Internet. Can anyone help me figure out what my problem signing in to psn on my ps4 is? Edit - i am also updated to the latest firmware. WS-37338-4 There was an issue. NP-31928-3 Impossibile connettersi alla rete. It's been like this for about 2 months as I thought PSN was done a long time ago and would just go away, during that timeframe I moved onto playing alot of Dragon Quest on my handhelds as well as some PC gaming, but came back to my PS4 and it's still having the same exact issue and I'm not able to connect to the interet with my PS4. Recomendamos una velocidad de descarga mínima de 5 Mbps. CE-30392-7, CE-30608-7: Hardwarefehler CE-33992-6: Fehler beim Test der Internetverbindung. PlayStation Direct. 如何修复CE-33992-6. 網際網路連線測試錯誤。 請瀏覽連線裝置的「狀態頁面」,查看PlayStation™Network服務的狀態。 如果PSN™服務顯示為綠色,但您仍收到此錯誤代碼,則連線問題可能與家用網路有關。How long is PSN maintenance? about two hours The routine maintenance will take place for about two hours at 10:30 PM to 12:30 AM based on your local timezone. Choose “Do Not Specify” for DHCP Host Name. Se non sei ancora in grado di connetterti, prova a riavviare la connessione di rete locale spegnendo il modem e/o il. Acontece que na internet ele se conecta normalmente, só na PSN que ele parou de se conectar, fica somente na tela de "Aguarde. Wi-Fi-signalstyrken er muligvis for svag. Acesse a ferramenta PlayStation Repairs. PSN Service Status. Meu PS4 faz cerca de 1 mês que não se conecta mais na PSN. CE-33676-5 The item is corrupted, or cannot be detected by the system. CE-33992-6 About About SIE; Careers; PlayStation Studios; Corporate; Products PS5; PS4; PS VR2; PS Plus; Accessories; Games; Values Environment; Accessibility; Online. Check that the Internet status is. Administración de cuentas. . Ingresa una fecha válida Confirmar edad. SupportIn this conversation. Please enter a valid date Confirm. Enter your date of birth. Gaming. ESTADO DE LOS SERVICIOS DE LA RED. Playstation Network might be temporarily busy. Gib ein gültiges Datum ein Bestätige dein Alter. CE-30005-8: Beim Zugriff auf das Festplattenlaufwerk („HDD“) oder das Blu-ray-/DVD-Laufwerk ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Recomendamos una velocidad de descarga mínima de 5 Mbps. Fout bij testen internetverbinding. Ir al contenido principal. Steps to Check PSN Server Status: Visit the official PlayStation Network Service Status page. خطا در آزمون اتصال به اینترنت. 1K subscribers 19K views 2 years ago Hello guys in this video I'm showing you, How to fix error code CE-33992-6 on ps4 at 2021 (Fix Playstation Network. Juegos y redes sociales. 이에 대한 유일한 수정은 psn 작업이 완료될 때까지 기다리는 것입니다. Trending: Romance único: filme romântico te leva para jornada de amor e desafios únicos! CE-33126-5. Please enter a valid date Confirm age. You can check the status of the PSN here. Vérifiez l'état des services du PlayStation™Network en consultant la page d'état depuis un. Recomendamos una velocidad de descarga mínima de 5 Mbps. CE-33992-6. Trin 1: hvis du kunne Opret forbindelse til Internettet først, sandsynligvis er PSN eller spilserveren. CE-34861-2: Forbindelse til server mislykkedes. Please enter a valid date While another added: “SOLVED: Restart your PS4 -> Settings -> Account Management -> Accept Terms and Conditions #PSN #psndown”. After a few seconds, the system will power off. Check the connection status of the PlayStation 4 in Settings > Network > Test Internet Connection. . Controleer de status van PSN-services door op een aangesloten apparaat naar de statuspagina te gaan. MM DD YYYY. Most PSN users have reported issues with PS4's online gaming network after Sony launched its new 5. . Juegos y redes sociales. CE. CE-30392-7 CE-30608-7: Hardware Error: Your system likely needs to be serviced. PS5 Fehlercode CE-100009-0 Es ist ein Problem mit der Update-Datei aufgetreten. لذا نوصي بسرعة تنزيل تبلغ 5 ميجا بت في الثانية كحد أدنى. It passes the internet connection, apps outside of PSN work. Todos los servicios están funcionando. SupportCE-41902-6 The connected USB storage device isn't compatible with your PlayStation®4 console. La seule solution est d'attendre que le PSN revienne. Please enter a valid date Solucion al error (ce- 33992-6) del PS4 muy facil espero les haya ayudado. Playstation Network might be temporarily busy - YouTube MadMan Sean on Twitter: "@AskPlayStation CE-106444-9 "The connection to the server has been lost. Please check the status of PSN services by visiting the status page on a connected device. لطفاً با استفاده از یک دستگاه متصل به اینترنت، وضعیت خدمات PSN را در صفحه وضعیت موجود در وب سایت Playstation بررسی نمایید. Passar para o conteúdo principal. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsReboot your system. Serviços com escalões. My playstation has not been able to connect to psn all day, it's connects to the Internet just fine, can use Web browser and update games, but I cannot connect to psn, I usually use my phones mobile hotspot to play and also tried connecting with my home wifi and a friend's mobile hotspot same problem with all. Vérifiez que votre disque dur est bien installé. Choose either Wi-Fi or LAN, depending on your setup. Verifique: sua Internet e o status da PSN. CE-33991-5. ce-33992-6の解決方法 インターネット接続テストでエラーが発生しました。 接続された機器で ステータスページ にアクセスし、PlayStation™Networkサービスのステータスを確認してください。 Si les services PSN™ apparaissent en vert, mais que vous recevez quand même ce code d'erreur, le problème de connectivité peut être dû à votre réseau domestique. . Experiencing an error with PlayStation? Use this guide for troubleshooting error code CE-33992-6 on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. this update fix my problem . Please check the status of PSN services by visiting the status page on a connected device. How to Fix Error Code CE-33992-6 on PlayStation#. MM DD YYYY. インターネット接続. PS4 Kod błędu CE-33992-6 Błąd testu połączenia internetowego. Please check the status of PSN services by visiting the status page on a connected device. CE-41902-6 The connected USB storage device isn't compatible with your PlayStation®4 console. CE-33992-6. How do I start my PS4 in safe mode? How to put PS4 in Safe Mode Turn off your console by holding the power button for 3 seconds. Sign In to your Sony account and we'll remember your age next time. CE-30392-7 CE-30608-7: Hardware Error: Your system likely needs to be serviced. Learn how to troubleshoot PS5 error codes like CE-11773-6, CE-33992-6, CE-108255-1, CE-107520-5, CE-106667-6 and more. Segurança online. ESTADO DE LOS SERVICIOS DE LA RED. Enter your date of birth. SU-41333-4 There was an issue when updating your ‎PlayStation®4 console system software. The CE-33992-6 error is a bit different. WV-33907-2. Find information and support for PlayStation error codes for PS4 and PS5. CE-33992-6 About About SIE; Careers; PlayStation Studios; Corporate; Products. Please check the status of PSN services by visiting the status page on a connected device. SU-41333-4 There was an issue when updating your ‎PlayStation®4 console system software. Introduce tu fecha de nacimiento. Administración de cuentas. Überprüfe den Status der PSN-Dienste,. Überprüfe deine Internetvervindung und den PSN Status: CE-33991-5: HTTP_GET_200 Fehler: Verbindungstest der PS4 wiederholen: CE-33992-6: Internetverbindungstestfehler: Überprüfe deine Internetverbindung bzw. Innanzitutto, è importante controllare lo stato dei servizi PSN (PlayStation Network) visitando la pagina dello stato su un dispositivo connesso. Step 1:Go to [Notifications]> [Downloads] and delete the bug notification. 0 update adds a whole slew of new features to the game. PlayStation Store. Please try again. PlayStation Direct. PlayStation. So behebst du CE-33992-6 Fehler beim Testen der Internetverbindung. Account management. Please enter a valid date Please check the status of PSN services by visiting the status page on a connected device. インターネット接続のテスト中にpsnサインインに失敗した場合は、psnのメンテナンスに関連している可能性があります。 エラーコードce-33992-6が表示された場合、それは間違いなくpsnのメンテナンスによるものです。We will show you two effective solutions to get rid of the error code ce-33992-6 on PlayStation 4. Si los servicios de PSN se muestran en verde y todavía recibes este código de error, posiblemente el problema de conectividad esté emparentado con la red doméstica. Wait for at least 30 seconds and then reconnect the power cord. Ich kann zwar die IP-Adres. Étape 1: Sauvegardez vos données sauvegardées à l'aide d'un dispositif ou PS USB + stockage en ligne. PlayStation Video. Estou com um problema que está me tirando do sério. Als dat niet lukt, is PSN mogelijk in onderhoud. Designps4でなぜかログアウトされました。それで、正しいパスワードを入れたのですがログインできません。他のアカウントもログアウトされてパスワードも違うとでました。CE-33992-6 そのエラーコードにてCE-33992-6①インターネット接続テストを行う前に、PSNにサインインしてください。②サーバーの. Please check the status of PSN services by visiting the status page on a connected device. MM DD AAAA. CE-33984-7 IPアドレス取得時に接続テストがタイムアウトしました。. Se o status dos serviços da PSN™aparecer na cor verde e ainda assim você receber este código de erro, o problema de conectividade pode estar relacionado à sua rede doméstica. Enter your date of birth. WV-33907-2. Please check the status of PlayStation™Network services by visiting the status page on a connected device. Dale like y Comparte para ayudar a otros :)Dona. If you encounter any of these problems,. This could be. El sitio web oficial de PlayStation ofrece una guía sobre cómo corregir el código de error NP-32470-6. All you need to do to use it is go to the console’s ‘Settings‘ page, select ‘Network’, and click on ‘View Status of PlayStation Network Services’. CE-35239-2 Uma atualização do software do sistema do console PlayStation®4 é necessária para usar os recursos de rede. It's also possible that the PSN may be be. SupportDigital Games and Services. We have checked all the links and provided in the list. Enter your date of birth. Veuillez vérifier l’état des services du PlayStation™Network en visitant la page d’état sur un appareil connecté. Kontaktiere dazu den PlayStation Support. Más sobre este juegoBusiness, Economics, and Finance. ESTADO DE LOS SERVICIOS DE LA RED. Het kan ook zijn dat het PSN in onderhoud is. Please check the status of PSN services by visiting the status page on a connected device. Recomendamos una velocidad de descarga mínima de 5 Mbps. You are signed out of Playstation Network. NP-35000-8. CE-41902-6 The connected USB storage device isn't compatible with your PlayStation®4 console. 0后很多玩家会遇到频繁报错ce-33992-6无法登陆psn的问题,那么要怎么解决这个问题呢?. CE-33992-6 . So, you have to check whether the server is under maintenance or not by accessing PlayStation site in the status page as recommended by PlayStation itself. Es posible que haya surgido un problema de conexión a la red o que PlayStation™Network o el servidor del proveedor del servicio esté ocupado temporalmente. It is also possible to check it. It can save you a lot of troubleshooting. Are you stuck with error CE 33992 6 when you're trying to connect your PlayStation 4 to the internet? This might just do the trick. CE-33992-6 About About SIE; Careers; PlayStation Studios; Corporate; Products. 2do paso: elimine el contenido (si se muestra en el área de contenido) y vuelva a descargar el contenido de la biblioteca. ID: 37877397. Suche nach deinem Fehlercode oder durchsuche unten die häufigsten PS4™-Fehlercodes. nw-31374-8 NW-31374-8 PS4 Bağlantı zaman aşımına uğradı. 231 KB.